Bottle Palm also known as Beaucarnea recurvata and Pony Tail Palm is native to Mexico.
The base of the trunk is swollen old trees can have a base several feet across the trunk is topped with 3 feet long by 3/4 inches wide leaves that form dense tufts of narrow green leaves at the ends of the branches and droop downwards. At first glance it resembles a Palm therefore the common name Bottle Palm. At first the trunk is single, later branching. Very old trees may produce inconspicuous cluster of creamy white flowers. Mature trees planted outdoors given full sun, well-drained soil and infrequent deep watering have endured temperatures of 18 degrees F.
Beaucarnea Recurvata does exceptionally well as indoor plants when given good light and not overwatered.
We are offering for sale a well-established plant that is about 8 to 10 inches tall with a leaf spread of about 10 inches.
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