Trio Nursery – Better, Because We Care

A brief history of Trio Nursery…

Started in 1960 in the small town of Carpinteria California just 12 miles East of Santa Barbara California by three ladies, it was purchased by 3 chaps from the San Francisco California area in 1963 .We acquired the nursery from them in 1976 and are licsenced by State of California Department of Agriculture #A4361.001

Over the ensuing years there have been many changes in the nursery industry as well as the world at large however our passion for collecting plants and growing has steadily increased.

Our collection of plant material is rather diverse ranging from the rare, exotic, and bizarre, with plants originating in places like Mexico, South Africa, and South America, Australia, from diverse climates ranging from tropical rain forest to deserts as well as those old favorites we have all come to enjoy.

We hope you will enjoy looking at what we have to offer. Check back frequently as the items do change. Should you have any questions, the answer is just a few clicks away via email.

Trio Nursery does not have walk-in retail hours. If you wish to visit the nursery please make an appointment. Call us at 805 969 9178 or email [email protected]

Thank You for visiting us. Looking forward to seeing you again soon.


[email protected]