Aloe Fleurentiniorum is native to Yemen and Saudi Arabis it is also known as Yemani Brown Aloe.
Grows at 5000 to 7000 feet.
A stemless plant to 2 feet tall with rosettes to 3 feet wide , Thick recurving dark olive green leaves that are moderately rough textured and nearly no marginal spines are often tinged reddish brown when grown in full sun.
The leaves are often nearly flat on the upper surface but can be deeply channeled as water stess and this is how they would be found in habitat
Flowering with this species can occur nearly any time of the year with 1 to 2 foot tall branched inflorescense holding reddish pink flowers.
Plant in full sun in well driained soin and irrigate occasionally to very little, hardy to 25 degrees.
We are offering a well established plant that is about 12 inches wide and as tall
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