Aloe Ferox also known as Alligator Jaws is a tall, single stemmed tree Aloe from South Africa, ranging from rocky hill slopes, to grasslands to deserts. growing both in the open and in brushy areas.
Aloe Ferox is an unusual tropical Aloe which has thick toothed leaves that seem to resemble Alligator Jaws. It can get up to 2 feet across and supports beautiful compact spikes of orange/red flowers in the winter ( in frost free areas).
Aloe Ferox is also known for its medicinal qualities. In South Africa it is taken for arthritis, allergies, as a laxative and its gel-like flesh is used in cosmetic products and wound healing.
This is a tree type of Aloe and can reach 7 to 10 feet in height with the leaves arranged in a rosette. Old leaves remain after they have dried forming a “petticoat” on the stem. Aloe Ferox leaves are dull blue-gree, often with a slighty blue or reddish ting, with red spines on the leaf edge. Spines may also be on upper and lower leaf surfaces. Younger plants are often more spiny than mature ones.
The flowers form a large candelabra, carried on five to eight branches, each carrying a spike-like hand covered with numerous flowers. Flower color varies from yellowy-orange to bright red.
Aloe Ferox will make a very interesting conversation piece as a house plant. Sure to be very eye-catching as an accent plant for tropical dry gardens. It will take full sun as well as a light frost , grows best in well drained soil.
We are offering a well-established plant that is about 14 to 18 inches tall.
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