A clumping succulent with fleshy, strap shaped leaves Blue Green in color, about 3 to 4 ft. long by 6 ft. wide.
What makes this one unusual is the white stripe in the center of the leaf; most variegated forms have the lighter color on the margin of the leaf.
Yellow-green flowers attract hummingbirds, however the Century Plant doesn’t bloom until it is a decade or so old (not a century!) and the plant dies after flowering.
The leaves are lined with hook shaped spines and a wicked spine at the tip. This is easily dealt with by cutting off the tip spine with scissors.
Use care when working around or trimming any Agave. Not only are the spines wicked and cause a painful swelling if one is poked, but the sap of many species is caustic.
We are offering for sale a well established plant 12 to 16 inches tall.
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