Mexican Grass Tree also known as Dasylirion longissima native to the Northwest Mountains of Mexico.
Clumps of narrow grass like 6 feet long ¼ to 3/8 inch wide leaves spring form a woody base that can grow into a tree like trunk in 50 years, the small greenish white flowers are born in tight clusters on a tall 8 feet long woody stalk.
One can get transfixed watching the leaves of the Mexican Grass Tree as they move even with the slightest breeze, it is almost hypnotic.
Plant the Dasylirion longissima in full sun, well-drained soil, water deeply but infrequently as you would for any succulent. Use as an accent plant or in desert landscapes. Grow in full sun with well drained soil as you would a cactus or succulents.
We are offering a well-established plant they are 12 to 14 inches tall.
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